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This category includes UK sites for national magazines, radio and television stations, newspapers and similar media.
It also incorporates UK news related topical sites, including journalism resources and journalists.

Websites are not generally listed at this level.

Please drill down into the subcategories to find the most appropriate category for the website.

Original news stories, continually updated and for the public.
See also: Headline Links (aggregators of news for the public), Wire Services (original news for the media) and News Feeds (aggregators of news for the media).
Aggregators of news stories from multiple sources for the public.
See also: Breaking News (original news for the public), News Feeds (aggregators of news for the media) and Wire Services (original news for the media).
Radio, TV and print journalist working in the UK media.
Please use the journalist''s name as the title, with the surname first.
Online versions of printed magazines. Online information about printed magazines (e.g., subscription information and contents). Online ezines which do not have a printed version.
Before submitting to this category, please consider whether or not your site would fit better in one of the topical or regional areas. Only general interest sites will be published here. ''Home and Garden'' type magazines, for instance, should be submitted to the appropriate categrory in Home_and_Garden rather than here.
Sites of general-interest national (UK-wide) newspapers.

This category is

Third party aggregators of news stories from multiple sources for the media.
See also: Wire Services (original news for media), Headline Links (aggregators for the public), and Breaking News (original news for the public).
Providers of original news stories to the media.
See also: Breaking News (original news for the public), News Feeds (aggregators of news for the media) and Headline Links (aggregators of news for the public).