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Lists sites related to recreational interest in water transport. This includes topics such as interest in the operations of commercial ports or shipping, restoration of canals, or the history of shipping, shipyards, or individual vessels which have strong relevance to the United Kingdom. Sites related to boating and sailing for individuals or groups of individuals are listed within Sports/Sailing_and_Boating.
Sites listed here are primarily of interest to enthusiasts, not to passengers or organisations seeking travel information. Sites offering information of use to people travelling should be submitted within United_Kingdom/Transport. Sites with good coverage of enthusiast and travel perspectives may be listed twice at the discretion of the editors.

Sites must relate to the United Kingdom and/or be of interest to a United Kingdom audience.

Businesses primarily offering commercial transport services or selling something should be submitted within United_Kingdom/Transport, United_Kingdom/Travel_and_Tourism, or United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy.