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Find links to local businesses and organisations related to computers and the Internet. This includes sites for and about businesses that sell/rent computer hardware and software, computer training, web design, Internet access, and support services.

Please only submit here if your site pertains to Scotland as a whole otherwise you should submit to the relevant council area or locality therein.

Submitting to the wrong category will delay and/or prevent your site from being listed in the directory.

Submission Tips:

  • Listings are based on location and not area covered.
  • For inclusion we must be able to verify your location preferably by an address and postcode actually on the website.
  • Find links to local businesses and organisations related to computers and the Internet. This includes sites for and about businesses that sell/rent computer hardware and software, computer training, web design, Internet access, and support services.

    Please do not submit sites here that are capable of being placed in a specific locality. We list sites where they are based, not where they cover.

    Most websites are listed in their localities. To be listed here, an organisation must have addresses in several Scottish council areas and none elsewhere.

    Web designers can also be listed within UK/../Web_Design_and_Development