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Includes links to religious and spiritual sites related to the whole of Scotland. Topics might include directories of churches or other places of worship, religious and spiritual organisations, issues.

Note this category is for sites of national importance. Sites about local groups should be submitted to the locality where they meet.

Sites about Buddhism and Buddhist people and groups in Scotland.
Note this category is for sites of national importance. Sites about local Buddhist groups should be submitted to the locality where they meet.
Sites about Christianity, Christians, and Christian organisations in Scotland.
Please only offer a site to this category about Christianity, Christians, and Christian organisations in Scotland which cover the *whole*, a *large area of the country* or are *relevant to the whole of Scotland*. Sites which deal with a *particular localized* Christian group should be offered to the locality where the group meets.

Offering a site to the wrong category only delays it being reviewed by an editor for possible listing in the directory.

We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.