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For sites about communities in the UK who follow a travelling or nomadic lifestyle, their culture, history and sense of identity. While most travelling communities have some affinities, cultural and linguistic, with the Roma, their origins are quite distinct.

Sites which cover the generality of travelling communities, whatever their ethnic/linguistic/vocational identity, will be considered for listing at this level.

Sites which relate to only a single community, and their distinctiveness, will be considered in their respective subcategories.

For websites specifically about the nomadic or itinerant people of Irish origin living in the UK, and their history and culture.
For websites specifically about groups and communities who chose to follow a nomadic lifestyle from the 1960s onwards, often following New Age and/or hippie beliefs, and travelling between music festivals and fairs.
For websites specifically about people who have traditionally been nomadic or itinerant by virtue of their profession - mainly showmen, circus and fairground travellers.
For websites specifically about the nomadic or itinerant people of Romani/Gypsy origin living in the UK, and their history and culture.
For websites specifically about the nomadic or itinerant people known as Scottish/Highland Travellers, and their history and culture.