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This category contains sites concerning genealogy and the study of family histories. Please review the subcategories and select the most appropriate subcategory for site submission. Do not submit one site to multiple categories.
Submit one site only, not multiple pages. Do not submit sites which are under construction.

Thank you for your assistance

Sites listing links and resources.
Contains sites which offer genealogy-specific commercial services or products. Sites about research services should submit to Society/Genealogy/Products_and_Services/Researchers/By_Region/Europe/United_Kingdom/
Submit one site only, not multiple pages. Do not submit sites which are under construction. Only sites offering strictly genealogy related products/services which are specific to the United Kingdom should be submitted.

Thank you for your assistance.

Sites in which the primary focus is the etymology of a UK surname and its variants, a one-name study or organisation, genealogy relevant to a surname, or an associated family history where the main emphasis is on UK ancestry.
The title should be the dominant surname or surnames, a maximum of two. You may include a location such as a county or town. Do not include any words such as Family, Genealogy, History, My Family etc.

Your description should be brief and factual. Describe what can be found on the site. Do not list more than a few surnames.

Submit to the most appropriate alphabetical subcategory for the dominant surname. Submit once only.

Good submissions are less work for editors and can get sites listed quicker!