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Issues to do with Transport in the UK such as renationalisation of the railways, motorway access tolls, pedestrianisation or "reclaim the streets", clamping and bicycle paths.
Please submit sites that tackle issues relevant to a reader with a specific interest in the UK at the national level and not global issues such as the pollution caused by air travel nor local issues such as a traffic scheme. The latter should be submitted to the relevant locality, the former to /Society/Issues/Transportation/.
For sites about airport campaigns - for example, campaigns against airport extensions.
For sites which campaign about issues related to cycling (for/against) and cyclists; for example, sites which argue for improved facilities for cyclists.
Issues concerning Road Traffic Law in the UK.
Please only submit sites about speed cameras, whether they are for or against.
Regional transport issues within the United Kingdom.
This category is for websites that cover transport issues that are local or regional in their concern. Please submit websites that cover national transport issues to the parent directory: Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Society_and_Culture/Issues/Transport
For sites which campaign on the issue of road building - for example, campaigns for/against proposed road improvements.