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This category leads to websites about Politics and political activity in the UK.
Politicians are first listed according to their  Party.
If a politician is elected without a party, or they leave a party and remain an MP, they should
be listed in the  Independents category, until the time they join another party,
or they loose their seat and are no longer a Candidate.
If they retire from politics or die, then their websites should be moved to the History
subcategory of the party with which the websites are most associated.
Websites are only listed  UK: People: History: Politicians if there is no party with which
the website of a historical politician can be associated.
Please do not suggest anti-election or anti-parliamentary websites here.
Discussion forums / message boards concerning British politics.
This category is for sites directly relating to elections for the UK Parliament.
Please do not submit anti-election or anti-parliamentary sites here.
This category is for political sites that see the humour in politics, or which appear to be doing so. This includes sites parodying particular political parties or politicians.
This category leads to websites for active politicians not included in the  Parties subcategories.
This includes Politicians elected without a party, or they leave a party and remain an MP or Candidate.
As long as they are an MP, not taking a party whip, they may be listed in the MPs category here,
until the time they rejoin or join another party.
If they loose their seat and are no longer a Candidate, and they retire from politics or die,
then their websites should be moved to the History subcategory of the party with which the websites are most associated.
Websites are only listed here if there is no party with which the website
of a politician can be associated.
Information about Bills in Parliament.
Sites for media coverage of politics in United Kingdom.
This category leads to websites about UK Political Parties in general,
such as cross-party sites and election procedures, predictions and results.
National parties, such as the Ulster Unionist Party, Sinn Fein, SNP, and Plaid Cymru, are listed under Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales.
Policy institutes study a wide range public policy issues and topics; publish position papers; conduct conferences on public policy topics; etc. Their web sites are often good sources of information and opinion on public issues. Some policy institutes are nonpartisan, particularly if they are associated with universities, but most have a particular point of view. Institutes in this category cover the full range of the political spectrum.