Please ensure that you choose the most appropriate subcategory. Incorrect submissions will most likely delay the site being reviewed and may result in deletion.
If the site only provides information about or services in one area please submit the site to the most appropriate local category. Inappropriate submissions to this category will result in delays in reviews and possible deletions.
Most companies should suggest their websites to their locality categories.
Please note that inappropriate submissions may result in delayed reviews and possible deletions.
Please note that sites should be submitted to the most appropriate sub-category or alternative regional category. This will speed up the review and possible addition of your site.
Inappropriate submissions will either be moved to the appropriate category to await review there or will be deleted outright.
Sites that offer parking at only one rail station or only offer parking services for one county should be submitted at regional level, not here.
While we never change for the sake of change, entries that ignore these guidelines will be edited or deleted; please help us to help you!
Other possible categories where your site may fit better include:
Couriers - Regional and International
Forwarding, NVO and Customs
Road Haulage
Please only submit to this category if your site offers taxi services or information for the entire UK or more than one of its member countries.
Sites that only cover a single area should be submitted to the most appropriate regional category. For example, London taxi sites should be submitted to the London Taxi category. Sites that offer taxi services throughout Scotland should be submitted to the Scotland Transport category.
A verifiable bricks and mortar contact address should be present on the website, preferably on the contact page.
Please note that sites offering car hire or chauffeur, limousine and shuttle services should be submitted to the correct national or local categories as appropriate to the scope of the site.
Listing suggestions ignoring the above cause extra work and delays - possibly infinite. Help us to help you by submitting to the correct category in the first place.