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Directories, reservation services and individual web sites for temporary accommodations, primarily for travelers.

Please check for a more specific sub-category before submitting your site.

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Business or Organization

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.

Includes links to sites for or about hotels and motels in Oman.

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Business or Organization

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.

Resorts are a destination for vacation travelers and those planning retreats, rather than simply being a place to stay while in an area. They offer features for holiday travelers over and above those provided by other lodgings. The amenities and surroundings of resorts are more important than the localities they're close to.

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Business or Organization

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.