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Find directories, reservation services, and individual web sites for temporary accommodations, primarily for travelers.

Limited service lodgings, usually smaller establishments that emphasize a more personal, homelike relationship between operators and guests. Rooms may not include some modern amenities such as television and telephones, and may have a shared bathroom. Usually owner-operated, with a common room or parlor, separate from the innkeeper's living quarters, where guests and operators can interact during evening and breakfast hours. Some B&Bs offer cottages or guesthouses in addition to or instead of traditional "in house" accommodations.

Evening office closures are normal. Breakfast is typically served and is included in the room rate.

Hostels are a unique form of accommodation unlike hotels or motels. They are unique in that nearly all facilities are shared with other guests. Rooms are dormitory style and are usually furnished with bunkbeds. Other areas such as bathrooms and lounges are shared as well. This shared facilities arrangement keeps the cost per guest low. More importantly, this arrangement creates a warm and welcoming communal camaraderie between guests.

  • Hostels will only be listed once in the Directory in the locality where they are located.
  • Multiple submissions of the same or multiple sites for the same establishment is abuse and against guidelines.
Includes links to sites for establishments offering nightly lodging to travellers and other paying guests, as well as guides to hotels and motels in the region. Facilities may or may not include on-premises food and beverage service, entertainment, conference facilities, and recreational activities. Most will have staff on duty 24 hours a day.