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Bordered by Ontario, Saskatchewan, Nunavut, Hudson Bay and the United States, most of Manitoba's 650 000 km2 lies between 150 and 300 metres above sea level, except in the Turtle, Riding, Duck and Baldy mountains. Manitoba is known as the land of 100 000 lakes, a legacy of enormous Lake Agassiz, which covered much of the province after the glaciers retreated. The major rivers of western Canada flow into the lowland region of Manitoba, giving Manitoba 90 percent of the hydro-electric potential of the Prairie region. The History The name Manitoba likely comes from the Cree words "Manitou bou," which mean "the narrows of the Great Spirit.". The Assiniboine Indians were the first inhabitants of Manitoba. Other First Nations included the nomadic Cree, who followed the herds of bison and caribou. In 1670, the Hudson's Bay Company was created, and King Charles II of England granted it a large tract of land named Rupert's Land. In 1812, the first European agricultural settlement was established in the area around the junction of the Red and Assiniboine rivers of Rupertsland by Lord Selkirk, who called the area Assiniboia. In the late1860s, the Dominion of Canada, anxious to expand into the great northwest, offered to buy Assiniboia from the Hudson's Bay Company. Negotiations for the transfer of sovereignty followed, but with little regard to the wishes of the inhabitants. This led the Métis (people of mixed Aboriginal and European blood) under the leadership of Louis Riel, to oppose the Canadian proposals in an insurgency known as the Red River Rebellion. Riel succeeded in establishing a locally-elected, provisional government in December 1869. Delegates of this provisional government negotiated terms with the new federal government of Canada, making Manitoba a province of the Dominion of Canada on July 15, 1870. Manitoba is an important centre for a number of ethnic groups. It is one of the most important centres of Ukrainian culture outside Ukraine and has one of the largest populations of Mennonites in the world. More than 128 000 people are of Aboriginal or Métis origin. There are also many Manitobans of Icelandic origin. About 60 percent of Manitoba's nearly 1.15 million people live in metropolitan Winnipeg, the provincial capital. The second-largest city is Brandon, in southwestern Manitoba.
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Most Manitoban sites submitted to this directory will fall into one of the subcategories listed here. Please choose the one most appropriate for your site and submit it there.

For help about submissions, please click on Submission Help.

This category includes sites for artistic and entertainment activities, performing arts, events, institutions, such as libraries, zoos or museums and organizations.
Thank you for submitting your web site.

Most Manitoban Arts and Entertainment sites submitted to this directory will fall into one of the subcategories listed here. Please choose the one most appropriate for your site and submit it there.

For help about submissions, please click on Submission Help.

Includes sites covering the business and economic activities of Manitoba, including listings of companies and industries.
Thank you for submitting your web site.

Many Manitoban business sites submitted to this directory will fall into one of the subcategories listed here. Please choose the one most appropriate for your site and submit it there.

For help about submissions, please click on Submission Help.

Includes provincial educational institutions, programs, and opportunities as well as other location-specific educational resources.
Thank you for submitting your web site.

Many Manitoban education sites submitted to this directory will fall into one of the subcategories listed here. Please choose the one most appropriate for your site and submit it there.

If your information is specific to one city or town, please submit to the most appropriate Locality.

For help about submissions, please click on Submission Help.

For sites relating to government, military or law organizations in Manitoba, at municipal, provincial and federal levels, and services related to interacting with government, military or law.
Thank you for submitting your web site.

Many Manitoban government sites submitted to this directory will fall into one of the subcategories listed here. Please choose the one most appropriate for your site and submit it there.

If your information is specific to one city or town, please submit to the most appropriate Locality.

For help about submissions, please click on Submission Help.

This category has been created as an alphabetic link to all the localities in Manitoba listed by the Open Directory.
Please do not submit sites to this category. If the locality you would like to submit to doesn''t exist, it should be submitted to the letter corresponding to your category''s locality and an editor will create the category.
Maps and Views include maps, photographs, illustrations, webcams or any type of visual representation of significance to the province, region, city or town.
Thank you for submitting your web site.

Many Manitoban Maps and Views sites submitted to this directory will fall into one of the subcategories listed here. Please choose the one most appropriate for your site and submit it there.

If your information is specific to one city or town, please submit to the most appropriate Locality.

For help about submissions, please click on Submission Help.

Manitoba has one Metropolitan Area and that is Winnipeg as defined by Statistics Canada. The communities that comprise Winnipeg Metro Area are found at Winnipeg Capital Region.
The placement of this category within Manitoba is in compliance with that used throughout the rest of Canada.

Includes province-wide news and media sites, such as newspapers, radio, television, magazines and other publications.
Thank you for submitting your web site.

Many Manitoban News and Media sites submitted to this directory will fall into one of the subcategories listed here. Please choose the one most appropriate for your site and submit it there.

If your information is specific to one city or town, please submit to the most appropriate Locality.

For help about submissions, please click on Submission Help.

The Recreation and Sports category includes all hobbies, sports and participatory recreational activities specific to the province, including province-wide recreation organizations.
Thank you for submitting your web site.

Many Manitoban Recreation and Sports sites submitted to this directory will fall into one of the subcategories listed here. Please choose the one most appropriate for your site and submit it there.

If your information is specific to one city or town, please submit to the most appropriate Locality.

For help about submissions, please click on Submission Help.

Please only submit websites of a regional nature. Those sites specific to a city should be submitted to that community category.
This category is for sites dealing with science, the environment and natural history at the provincial level.
Thank you for submitting your web site.

Most Manitoban science or environment sites submitted to this directory will fall into one of the subcategories listed here. Please choose the one most appropriate for your site and submit it there.

If your information is specific to one city or town, please submit to the most appropriate Locality.

For help about submissions, please click on Submission Help.

For sites dealing with society and culture on a province-wide basis. This category covers a very wide range of activities, beliefs, personal attributes and social phenomena, history, politics, support groups, and lifestyles choices.
Thank you for submitting your web site.

Most Manitoban society and culture sites submitted to this directory will fall into one of the subcategories listed here. Please choose the one most appropriate for your site and submit it there.

If your information is specific to one city or town, please submit to the most appropriate Locality.

For help about submissions, please click on Submission Help.

Transportation includes information on airlines, airports, buses, highways and roads, traffic, mass transit and railroads, shipping and ports.
Thank you for submitting your web site.

Most Manitoban transportation sites submitted to this directory will fall into one of the subcategories listed here. Please choose the one most appropriate for your site and submit it there.

If your information is specific to one city or town, please submit to the most appropriate Locality.

For help about submissions, please click on Submission Help.

Includes sites about attractions, resources, lodging and tourist guides dealing with the province of Manitoba as a whole.
Thank you for submitting your web site.

Please note: This category is NOT for individual listings of attractions or lodgings. Please submit these sites to the appropriate locality, as it will likely speed listing in the directory.

Some Manitoban travel and tourism sites submitted to this directory will fall into one of the subcategories listed here. Please choose the one most appropriate for your site.

If your information is specific to one city or town, please submit to the most appropriate Locality.

For help about submissions, please click on Submission Help.

Sites which give the current weather conditions, weather forecasts, allergy and smog alerts, and ultraviolet level predictions.