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The Town of Manitou lies in the south central area of Manitoba, only a few kilometres north of the United States border.
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The Town of Birtle, population 720 (Census, 1996), is located along Provincial Trunk Highways 42 and 83. Located in the valley along the Birdtail River, within the Rural Municipality of Birtle. Primarily an agricultural community, the town provides services to surrounding producers. Cereal crops and oilseeds are principal crops, in addition to livestock and specialty animals. Birtle also hosts a growing tourism industry. The Rural Municipality of Birtle has a population of 862 (1996 Census), and covers 816.37 square kilometers.
Submit listings for the Town of Birtle to this category. If would like to submit a listing for other towns located within the Rural Municipality (R.M.)of Birtle, please submit them under their appropriate name in the localities categories. If there is no category for the appropriate town, you can submit them under the first letter of the town''s name. (i.e. "F" for Foxwarren submissions)