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Includes sites dealing with healing modalities not commonly associated with conventional, western medicine. Topics might include chiropractic, hypnotherapy, massage therapy, oriental medicine, folk medicine and whole health remedies.

Please submit only sites relating to Halifax. You can find a list of other localities in Nova Scotia here. If there are multiple locations for this site, consider Regional/North_America/Canada/Nova_Scotia/Regions/Eastern_Shore or Regional/North_America/Canada/Nova_Scotia/Regions/Halifax_Regional_Municipality

Please read the category description below. Submitting your site to the wrong category can result in significant delays in the listing of your site.

Includes listings of sites related to the various forms of massage, exercise, and relaxation techniques for the purpose of promoting physical and emotional well-being.

Please submit only sites relating to Halifax. You can find a list of other localities in Nova Scotia here. If there are multiple locations for this site, consider Regional/North_America/Canada/Nova_Scotia/Regions/Eastern_Shore or Regional/North_America/Canada/Nova_Scotia/Regions/Halifax_Regional_Municipality

Please read the category description below. Submitting your site to the wrong category can result in significant delays in the listing of your site.