If your site is provincial in nature or deals with more than one region, please submit it to the appropriate topical category under Nova Scotia. If your site deals with a particular region, submit it to the appropriate region. If your business is based in a particular city or town, please submit it to the appropriate locality category.
If your site pertains to a county within this region, please submit your site to the appropriate Regional/North_America/Canada/Nova_Scotia/Counties category.
If your site pertains to a particular locality within this region, please submit it to the appropriate Regional/North_America/Canada/Nova_Scotia/Localities category.
Sites listed in this category should be relevant to all of the Halifax Regional Municipality area or a sizeable fraction of that area, encompassing multiple jurisdictions. (For example, Halifax AND Lower Sackville or Bedford-Waverley AND Moser River.)
Examples might include regional blood banks, regional transit systems, major airports, businesses with multiple locations in the area, and businesses that offer services at customer locations throughout the region (such as tree services, janitorial services, building contractors and taxis).
Please submit only sites relating to two or more localities within the Minas Basin region of Nova Scotia. You can find a list of localities that comprise this region here. If the site relates to only one locality, then please submit to the appropriate category of that locality.
Please read the category description below. Submitting your site to the wrong category can result in significant delays in the listing of your site.
Please submit only sites relating to two or more localities within the Western Valley region of Nova Scotia. You can find a list of localities that comprise this region here. If the site relates to only one locality, then please submit to the appropriate category of that locality.
Please read the category description below. Submitting your site to the wrong category can result in significant delays in the listing of your site.