Burlington (population 161,437 as of 2003) is located in the Golden Horseshoe, across the harbour from Hamilton.
The land which is now Burlington was deeded to Chief Joseph Brant in 1798. and settlement started soon afterward. In 1873 Burlington was incorporated as a village, and it became a city in 1974.
Like most cities of its size in Ontario, manufacturing of various goods sustains Burlington's livelihood, but it's proximity to Hamilton and Toronto means many residents commute to those cities. It is part of the Greater Toronto Area and the Regional Municipality of Halton.
In recent years it has been one of the fastest growing areas of Canada with many new homes being built. The region by the lake has number of expensive homes while the rest of the community is mostly middle class suburbs.
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This category is for web sites specifically related to the city of Burlington.
Before submitting a site, be sure to read the category description.
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