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Ottawa is Canada's capital city. On January 1, 2001, the 11 municipalities which made up the Region of Ottawa-Carleton joined together to create the new City of Ottawa. The former municipalities are the cities of Ottawa, Gloucester, Cumberland, Nepean, Kanata, Vanier, Rockcliffe Park, and the townships of West Carleton, Rideau, Goulbourn, Osgoode.
Please review the subcategories and submit your site to the most appropriate one.
Includes sites for local artistic, cultural and entertainment activities, events, institutions and organizations.
Only within City of Ottawa. Consider submitting to topical sub-category as well.
This category features sites which focus on business and economic activities of the city, including listings of companies and industries.
Please take the time to review the subcategories and submit your site to the appropriate one, if applicable.
This category focuses on Ottawa educational institutions, programs and opportunities, as well as other location specific educational resources.
Lists sites offering specialized education in the area outside of the traditional classroom. Candidates for listing in this category include driver''s training, adult education and career training, or intensive foreign language schools.
Health and medical related sites and resources.
This category is for general or multiple issue health organizations, single topic or self-help belongs in Conditions and Diseases.
This category includes links to maps, photograph sites, live web cams, satellite imagery...any visual representation of the area.
Includes sites dealing with news and media, including magazines, newspapers, radio and television.
Please submit to the appropriate subcategory, when applicable.
Features listings which focus on hobbies, sports and participatory recreational activities, as well as related organizations.
Please review the subcategories and submit your site to the appropriate one, if applicable.
This category includes information about Ottawa's natural environment as well as scientific activities specific to the area.
This category lists sites that reflect Ottawa''s community: its people, its history, and the resources, institutions and organizations that serve local residents. Please review the various subcategories and submit your site to the appropriate one, when applicable.
Contains sites which focus on area transportation resources for those traveling to and from, and within Ottawa.
Contains listings for sites which deal with travel and tourism in Ottawa, including lodging, attractions and related services.
Please submit your site to the appropriate subcategory, when applicable.
This category lists all weather-related sites concerning the Ottawa area.