Sites about businesses, economic conditions, and organizations related to advertising and marketing. This includes advertising in print, broadcast, interactive, or other media, branding and corporate identity design, creation and distribution of promotional items, internet marketing strategy and analysis, collection and analysis of market research, public relations activities, and training and development of sales representatives.
Esta categoría es para páginas escritas en inglés. El contenido de los sitios a listarse deberá ser en inglés (o bilinguë). Todas las páginas en español deberán estar en World/Español/Países/México/Economía_y_negocios.
This category is for sites with English-language content. Sites in Spanish should be submitted under World/Español/Países/México/Economía_y_negocios.. (Bilingual sites may be submitted to both places.)
Photography sites are under Arts_and_Entertainment.
Video production sites are under Business_and_Economy:Industries:Entertainment.
Agencies and individuals which offer advertising and marketing services to a specific industry sector are listed according to the industry which they serve.
Companies which offer web design, promotion, and hosting services are under Internet.