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For companies, business organizations, and industries based in this locality. Some sites should instead be submitted to Arts and Entertainment, Sports and Recreation, or Travel and Tourism, or to a Business and Economy sub-category if present. For best results, compare existing listings before submitting your site.
Submit sites for most companies based in this locality. Also see sub-categories when present. Certain companies should submit to Travel and Tourism, Arts and Entertainment, or Sports and Recreation instead. Compare existing listings for best results.

Most sites should be submitted to a locality. Listing at higher levels is allowed for companies with multiple locations spanning several localities or counties, and for clubs or associations drawing members from a broad area.

Tips for Faster Acceptance:

  1. Location must be shown, preferably by address or local phone number.
  2. For title, submit actual name of business or organization.
  3. Make description factual, avoiding promotional language and Unnecessary Capitalization.