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The top level locality category is for general or informational sites concerning this community as a whole, not necessarily for sites located in the community.
Only the most general sites concerning this community should be submitted here.

Please take a moment to find the most appropriate sub-category before submitting a site at this level. Submitting a site based in or related to another locality may significantly delay the site from being listed in the directory.

Tips for Faster Acceptance:

  • This category is reserved for sites based in this locality or provides specific information relevant to this locality. To find a different locality, navigate to the list of Localities found under the name of this state.
  • Location should be readily apparent on the site. The service area should also be apparent when applicable.
  • Submitted title should match the name of the organization or entity. The description should be factual. Don''t use Excessive Capitalization or ALL CAPS.
  • Submit to the most appropriate sub-category when possible. Compare existing listings for best results.

Thank you for your cooperation.

This category is for general interest guides and directories providing a variety of information for this locality.
Topics for this category are general interest guides and directories offering a wide variety of information for the locality as a whole. Single-topic sites should be submitted to the appropriate topical subcategory of the locality.

For example, submit dining guides to Business and Economy in the subcategory titled Restaurants and Bars when available, and on-line hotel reservations guides to Travel and Tourism in the subcategory titled Lodging when available.

For sites specifically geared toward this community. Submitting a site based in or related to another locality may significantly delay the site from being listed in the directory.

Tips for Faster Acceptance:

  • Make sure the site title matches the name of the organization or entity.
  • In the site description, stick to the facts and avoid hype or promotional language.
  • This is a Regional category, so the location should be readily apparent on the site. The service area should also be apparent when applicable.
  • Avoid Excessive Capitalization.
  • Describe the site features as well as the subject of the site.

Thank you for your cooperation.

This category is for websites offering visual representations of this locality.
Topics for this category include online maps, photographs, webcam views, and satellite imagery of this locality, as well as maps and photographic images of its characteristic scenes.

For sites specifically geared toward this community. Submitting a site relevant to another locality may significantly delay the site from being listed in the directory.

Tips for Faster Acceptance:

  • Make sure the site title matches the name of the organization or entity.
  • In the site description, stick to the facts and avoid hype or promotional language.
  • This is a Regional category, so make sure images are specific to this locality.
  • Avoid Excessive Capitalization.
  • Describe the site features as well as the subject of the site.

Thank you for your cooperation.