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The art or science of planning and building structures. Sites and categories may include, but not limited to:
  • Academic Departments
  • Architectural Photographers
  • Architectural practices, companies and firms
  • Organizations, including trade associations, preservation societies, and special interest groups. Periods and Styles, including Googie and Prairie styles
  • The uniquely American roadside consisting of diners, drive-ins, motels, and Main Street USA, in addition to vernacular architecture
  • .
  • Building types, such as lighthouses and skyscrapers.
  • Please do NOT submit the commercial sites of architects here. They can be submitted to Business: Industries: Construction and Maintenance: Design: Architects: Regional: United States, preferably in the proper State. In general, sites should be submitted to Arts: Architecture or to the proper locality within a state.
    Includes links to state-level 'Architecture' categories.
    Modern architecture in the tradition of the styles of Ancient Greece and Rome and their later imitators across the world.
    This category contains links to categories on the life and works of PAST architects or famous names.
    Please submit the professional sites of architects in practice to the Business: Construction and Maintenance: Design: Architects: Regional: United States category.
    Historic buildings in the US: the study of them and their architects.
    Diners and other structures serving the American motorist.