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Sites for physical stores across multiple States or Regions. For sites that have locations in a single State or Region, please suggest the site there.

If the site sells by distance ordering, has a single or no physical presence, includes prices, and delivers internationally or to most of the USA, it may be better suggested in the Shopping branch and possibly in the Regional/.../Locality of the premises (requires verifiable location details on the site).
Following these guidelines will allow us to add your site to the directory as quickly as possible.

  • Find the single most appropriate category for your site. With few exceptions, sites are listed in the directory in one category only.
  • Submit your site using your main url. With few exceptions, we do not deep link sites in Shopping.
  • Use your business name as the title.
  • Create a brief description, under 25 words, listing the current content of your site (not the future content)
  • Do not use first person verbiage (we, our, us).
  • Don''t bother using marketing verbiage. (We''re the best!, Most awesome site, Check it Out!) Marketing verbiage is removed.
  • Sites which are mirrors of other sites or that redirect to another site will not be listed. Only the main site will be listed.
  • Sites that are affiliates or lists of affiliate links that do not contain original content will not be listed.
  • Sites which are gateways or splash pages to affiliate sites will not be added.
  • Independent representatives, distributors, or resellers of multi-level marketing (MLM) systems or pyramids are not listed in the directory. Submissions of sites of this nature will be rejected and flagged for deletion.
  • Non-English sites should be submitted to the appropriate World/ category.
  • Remember, businesses in the United States are regulated by Federal, state and local laws. If the editors doubt the legality of your site or your claims, the site will not be accepted.
  • All sites are reviewed periodically.
  • Sites in the directory are subject to changes in placement, description and possible removal from the directory, based on this review.
Sites which are mainly advertising to the public for a nationwide book store with locations in more than one region.
For clothing stores with a physical presence in more than one state.
For clothing stores with a physical presence in more than one state. For stores that have locations in a single state or region, please suggest the site there.
This category lists florists, gift stores and card shops with retail locations in multiple states.

This category comprises sites that offer retail sales of flowers and/or gift items through physical locations in multiple states. These include:

  • Florists
  • Gift Stores - offering baskets, cards, handicrafts, keepsakes, candies, collectibles, gourmet items and similar
  • Card Shops - offering greeting cards and gifts.

Not listed in this category are:

  • Vendors offering flowers and gifts as a secondary line, such as book stores, pharmacies, stationers, jewelry stores, and souvenir stores
  • Advertising Specialties - offering promotional items
  • Online Only shopping sites which should be submitted to the most appropriate sub-category of Shopping/Gifts or Shopping/ Flowers.
For sites selling health and beauty products on-line in the United States. Submitting websites that are not based in the US to this category may cause a long delay in the reviewing of your website. Please do not submit mirror or affiliate websites to this category.
Nationwide stores specializing in pet supplies.