This category includes websites for local health and medical resources, including hospitals, doctor's offices, and clinics. It also includes sites about living accommodations for those with health-related conditions..
Institutions and medical practices are listed by their physical location, and not by their service area. The ones listed in this category should have locations in more than one locality in this county.
Please submit only sites related either to all of Riverside County or to more than one locality within it.
For websites related exclusively to a specific community within this county, find the appropriate category here.
For websites related to a wider area, please see the Health category for Southern California.
Before submitting a site, be sure to read the category description.
Please submit to an appropriate subcategory, if one is available. Otherwise, submit here. Failure to submit to the most specific appropriate category can delay the consideration of your submission.
Sites related to practices in dentistry, orthodontics, and oral surgery.
To be listed here, the website must either be about practices with multiple locations in Riverside county, or be about dental organizations related to the county.
If the site is about a dental practice with one location, it should instead be submitted to that specific locality. The cities within the county can be found here.