Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 265,038 in 1990 and 331,045 in 1999; location is 39°52'N 104°21'W; land area is 1,192.02 square miles (762,896 acres); water area is 5.81 square miles (3,717 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 13,617 in 1990 and 14,595 in 1999; location is 37°34'N 105°47'W; land area is 722.80 square miles (462,591 acres); water area is 0.78 square miles (502 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
Arapahoe County was established November 1, 1861, named for the Arapaho Indian tribe. Littleton is the county seat.
County Demographics: population was 391,511 in 1990 and 482,089 in 1999; location is 39°39'N 104°20'W; land area is 803.17 square miles (514,027 acres); water area is 2.30 square miles (1,473 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 5,345 in 1990 and 9,604 in 1999; location is 37°11'N 107°3'W; land area is 1,349.40 square miles (863,616 acres); water area is 5.26 square miles (3,365 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
Baca County is situated in the far southeast corner of Colorado. The area is a unique combination of plains, canyons, and buttes that creates a picturesque open landscape. Elevations range from 3,800 feet to about 5,200 feet. The southeast corner of Baca County is crossed by the Cimarron branch of the Santa Fe Trail.
County Demographics: population was 4,556 in 1990 and 4,319 in 1999; location is 37°19'N 102°33'W; land area is 2,555.88 square miles (1,635,764 acres); water area is 1.37 square miles (875 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 5,048 in 1990 and 5,799 in 1999; location is 37°57'N 103°5'W; land area is 1,514.03 square miles (968,979 acres); water area is 27.22 square miles (17,422 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 225,339 in 1990 and 273,112 in 1999; location is 40°5'N 105°21'W; land area is 742.46 square miles (475,174 acres); water area is 8.94 square miles (5,723 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
Broomfield County is Colorado's newest county, formed by statute in November 1998. It encompasses part of Adams, Boulder, Jefferson and Weld Counties.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 12,684 in 1990 and 15,601 in 1999; location is 38°44'N 106°11'W; land area is 1,013.53 square miles (648,656 acres); water area is 1.55 square miles (995 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 2,397 in 1990 and 2,229 in 1999; location is 38°49'N 102°35'W; land area is 1,781.49 square miles (1,140,153 acres); water area is 0.02 square miles (15 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 7,619 in 1990 and 9,167 in 1999; location is 39°41'N 105°38'W; land area is 395.46 square miles (253,096 acres); water area is 1.01 square miles (649 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 7,453 in 1990 and 8,077 in 1999; location is 37°12'N 106°12'W; land area is 1,287.35 square miles (823,901 acres); water area is 3.65 square miles (2,338 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 3,190 in 1990 and 3,575 in 1999; location is 37°17'N 105°26'W; land area is 1,226.98 square miles (785,268 acres); water area is 3.34 square miles (2,137 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 3,946 in 1990 and 4,428 in 1999; location is 38°20'N 103°47'W; land area is 789.05 square miles (504,992 acres); water area is 11.34 square miles (7,256 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 1,926 in 1990 and 3,596 in 1999; location is 38°6'N 105°22'W; land area is 738.94 square miles (472,922 acres); water area is 1.02 square miles (650 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 20,980 in 1990 and 27,197 in 1999; location is 38°52'N 107°52'W; land area is 1,142.21 square miles (731,016 acres); water area is 6.40 square miles (4,096 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 1,504 in 1990 and 1,876 in 1999; location is 37°45'N 108°31'W; land area is 1,067.02 square miles (682,893 acres); water area is 1.13 square miles (722 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 60,391 in 1990 and 156,860 in 1999; location is 39°21'N 104°56'W; land area is 840.17 square miles (537,710 acres); water area is 2.64 square miles (1,689 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 21,928 in 1990 and 34,950 in 1999; location is 39°37'N 106°42'W; land area is 1,687.97 square miles (1,080,299 acres); water area is 3.93 square miles (2,513 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 9,646 in 1990 and 19,757 in 1999; location is 39°17'N 104°8'W; land area is 1,850.91 square miles (1,184,582 acres); water area is 0.11 square miles (71 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 397,014 in 1990 and 499,994 in 1999; location is 38°50'N 104°31'W; land area is 2,126.70 square miles (1,361,091 acres); water area is 3.02 square miles (1,931 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 32,273 in 1990 and 44,699 in 1999; location is 38°29'N 105°26'W; land area is 1,533.04 square miles (981,147 acres); water area is 1.02 square miles (656 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 29,974 in 1990 and 40,671 in 1999; location is 39°36'N 107°54'W; land area is 2,947.51 square miles (1,886,407 acres); water area is 8.59 square miles (5,495 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 3,070 in 1990 and 4,474 in 1999; location is 39°52'N 105°31'W; land area is 149.88 square miles (95,923 acres); water area is 0.39 square miles (247 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 7,966 in 1990 and 10,474 in 1999; location is 40°6'N 106°7'W; land area is 1,849.76 square miles (1,183,847 acres); water area is 19.94 square miles (12,764 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 10,273 in 1990 and 12,576 in 1999; location is 38°40'N 107°1'W; land area is 3,239.19 square miles (2,073,084 acres); water area is 20.93 square miles (13,397 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 467 in 1990 and 740 in 1999; location is 37°49'N 107°17'W; land area is 1,117.77 square miles (715,372 acres); water area is 5.46 square miles (3,492 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 6,009 in 1990 and 6,802 in 1999; location is 37°41'N 104°58'W; land area is 1,590.86 square miles (1,018,149 acres); water area is 2.37 square miles (1,517 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 1,605 in 1990 and 1,540 in 1999; location is 40°40'N 106°20'W; land area is 1,613.32 square miles (1,032,524 acres); water area is 7.74 square miles (4,954 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
Once an agricultural and mining area, Jefferson County, Colorado now is a thriving suburban, business, industrial and residential community. It's a place where the great plains meet the Rocky Mountains - with some of the most magnificent scenery in the country, from rolling grasslands, craggy rock formations, natural foothills, rugged mountains and tumbling mountain streams. Incorporated in 1861, the county seat is Golden.
County Demographics: population was 438,430 in 1990 and 509,222 in 1999; location is 39°35'N 105°15'W; land area is 772.23 square miles (494,227 acres); water area is 5.97 square miles (3,823 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 1,688 in 1990 and 1,634 in 1999; location is 38°26'N 102°44'W; land area is 1,771.11 square miles (1,133,510 acres); water area is 14.76 square miles (9,450 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 7,140 in 1990 and 7,411 in 1999; location is 39°18'N 102°36'W; land area is 2,161.03 square miles (1,383,060 acres); water area is 0.69 square miles (442 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 6,007 in 1990 and 6,385 in 1999; location is 39°11'N 106°21'W; land area is 376.92 square miles (241,229 acres); water area is 7.01 square miles (4,485 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
Larimer County is located in north central Colorado. It is the seventh largest county in Colorado based on population. The county extends to the Continental Divide and includes several mountain communities and Rocky Mountain National Park. The County encompasses 2,640 square miles that include some of the finest irrigated farmland in the state, as well as vast stretches of scenic ranch lands, forests and high mountain peaks. Over 50% of Larimer County is publicly owned, most of which is land within Roosevelt National Forest and Rocky Mountain National Park. In addition to these federal lands, Colorado State Parks and Recreation Area, Larimer County Parks and local parks within urban areas combine to provide a wide spectrum of recreational opportunities that are enjoyed by both residents and visitors. The county seat is Fort Collins.
County Demographics: population was 186,136 in 1990 and 236,849 in 1999; location is 40°39'N 105°27'W; land area is 2,601.45 square miles (1,664,926 acres); water area is 32.56 square miles (20,840 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 13,765 in 1990 and 14,712 in 1999; location is 37°19'N 104°3'W; land area is 4,772.98 square miles (3,054,709 acres); water area is 2.78 square miles (1,776 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 32,284 in 1990 and 41,148 in 1999; location is 37°17'N 107°51'W; land area is 1,692.11 square miles (1,082,951 acres); water area is 7.74 square miles (4,955 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 4,529 in 1990 and 5,672 in 1999; location is 38°59'N 103°31'W; land area is 2,586.28 square miles (1,655,216 acres); water area is 0.30 square miles (192 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 17,567 in 1990 and 17,932 in 1999; location is 40°44'N 103°6'W; land area is 1,838.63 square miles (1,176,724 acres); water area is 6.33 square miles (4,054 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
Lying on the western border of Colorado, Mesa County is surrounded by starkly contrasting natural landmarks such as the Colorado National Monument, Grand Mesa National Forest and the colorful Bookcliffs. It encompasses 3,309 square miles, much owned and controlled by the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. The city of Grand Junction is the largest city in Mesa County and also the largest in western Colorado. Grand Junction has remained the medical hub between Denver and Salt Lake City, Utah. Incorporated in 1883, the county seat is Grand Junction.
County Demographics: population was 93,145 in 1990 and 115,147 in 1999; location is 39°1'N 108°28'W; land area is 3,327.93 square miles (2,129,876 acres); water area is 13.36 square miles (8,551 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 558 in 1990 and 727 in 1999; location is 37°42'N 106°56'W; land area is 875.84 square miles (560,536 acres); water area is 1.99 square miles (1,271 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
Moffat County, located in the northwest corner of Colorado, lies midway between Denver, Colorado, and Salt Lake City, Utah. Grand Junction is 150 miles south of Craig, and the Wyoming border is less than an hour's drive to the north. The region offers diversity in landscape and is home to some of the largest deer and elk herds in North America. The Yampa and Snake River valleys, mountains, and high plains desert cover an area 93 miles long and 52 miles wide. Incorporated in 1911, the county seat is Craig.
County Demographics: population was 11,357 in 1990 and 12,714 in 1999; location is 40°36'N 108°12'W; land area is 4,742.54 square miles (3,035,228 acres); water area is 8.69 square miles (5,560 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 18,672 in 1990 and 22,672 in 1999; location is 37°20'N 108°36'W; land area is 2,036.94 square miles (1,303,643 acres); water area is 3.14 square miles (2,013 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 24,423 in 1990 and 31,432 in 1999; location is 38°24'N 108°16'W; land area is 2,240.76 square miles (1,434,084 acres); water area is 1.96 square miles (1,256 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 21,939 in 1990 and 25,393 in 1999; location is 40°16'N 103°48'W; land area is 1,285.47 square miles (822,698 acres); water area is 8.51 square miles (5,444 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 20,185 in 1990 and 20,612 in 1999; location is 37°54'N 103°43'W; land area is 1,262.93 square miles (808,276 acres); water area is 6.89 square miles (4,409 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 2,295 in 1990 and 3,475 in 1999; location is 38°9'N 107°46'W; land area is 542.07 square miles (346,926 acres); water area is 0.19 square miles (124 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 7,174 in 1990 and 14,218 in 1999; location is 39?7°N 105°43'W; land area is 2,200.83 square miles (1,408,532 acres); water area is 10.00 square miles (6,398 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 4,189 in 1990 and 4,226 in 1999; location is 40°36'N 102°21'W; land area is 687.66 square miles (440,105 acres); water area is 0.12 square miles (75 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
Pitkin County, located in the west central part of the State, in the Colorado River watershed, has an area of 975 square miles, about 54 miles long and 30 miles at the widest point. Its eastern boundary is the Continental Divide. The Crystal, Roaring Fork and Frying Pan Rivers flow into Pitkin County from the north; and tributaries of the Roaring Fork, including Castle and Maroon Creeks, flow into the southern part of the County. Elevations range from 6,625 to 14,259 feet atop Castle Peak. The county seat is Aspen.
County Demographics: population was 12,661 in 1990 and 13,332 in 1999; location is 39°13'N 106°55'W; land area is 970.19 square miles (620,924 acres); water area is 2.81 square miles (1,798 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 13,347 in 1990 and 13,781 in 1999; location is 37°57'N 102°24'W; land area is 1,640.50 square miles (1,049,919 acres); water area is 3.97 square miles (2,540 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 123,051 in 1990 and 136,987 in 1999; location is 38°9'N 104°30'W; land area is 2,388.82 square miles (1,528,844 acres); water area is 9.05 square miles (5,791 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 5,972 in 1990 and 6,203 in 1999; location is 39°59'N 108°12'W; land area is 3,221.18 square miles (2,061,553 acres); water area is 1.94 square miles (1,242 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 10,770 in 1990 and 11,508 in 1999; location is 37°36'N 106°23'W; land area is 912.60 square miles (584,063 acres); water area is 0.53 square miles (342 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 14,088 in 1990 and 17,941 in 1999; location is 40°29'N 106°59'W; land area is 2,361.78 square miles (1,511,536 acres); water area is 6.43 square miles (4,115 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 4,619 in 1990 and 6,176 in 1999; location is 38°5'N 106°18'W; land area is 3,168.67 square miles (2,027,949 acres); water area is 1.81 square miles (1,155 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 745 in 1990 and 522 in 1999; location is 37°46'N 107°40'W; land area is 387.45 square miles (247,970 acres); water area is 0.86 square miles (552 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 3,653 in 1990 and 5,464 in 1999; location is 38°1'N 108°26'W; land area is 1,286.55 square miles (823,391 acres); water area is 1.98 square miles (1,270 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 2,690 in 1990 and 2,587 in 1999; location is 40°53'N 102°21'W; land area is 548.28 square miles (350,901 acres); water area is 1.36 square miles (872 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 12,881 in 1990 and 19,610 in 1999; location is 39°37'N 106°6'W; land area is 608.21 square miles (389,256 acres); water area is 11.08 square miles (7,092 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
Teller County begins 20 miles West of Colorado Springs and is accessed via State Highway 24 West. It is almost directly in the center of the State of Colorado at elevations ranging from 8,000 feet in Woodland Park to over 14,000 on the back side of Pikes Peak. Incorporated in 1899, the county seat is Cripple Creek.
County Demographics: population was 12,468 in 1990 and 21,228 in 1999; location is 38°53'N 105°9'W; land area is 557.10 square miles (356,542 acres); water area is 1.89 square miles (1,211 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
County Demographics: population was 4,812 in 1990 and 4,357 in 1999; location is 39°59'N 103°12'W; land area is 2,521.17 square miles (1,613,546 acres); water area is 3.14 square miles (2,006 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
Weld County covers an area of 4,002 square miles in north central Colorado. It is bordered on the north by Wyoming and Nebraska and on the south by the Denver metropolitan area. The third largest county in Colorado, Weld County has an area greater than that of Rhode Island, Delaware and the District of Columbia combined. Incorporated in 1861, the county seat is Greeley.
The climate is dry and generally mild with warm summers, mild winters and a growing season of approximately 138 days. The land surface is fairly level in the east, with rolling prairies and low hills near the western border. Elevations in the county range from 4,400 to 5,000 feet.
County Demographics: population was 131,821 in 1990 and 165,805 in 1999; location is 40°33'N 104°24'W; land area is 3,992.79 square miles (2,555,388 acres); water area is 28.99 square miles (18,553 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.
The county seat is Wray.
County Demographics: population was 8,954 in 1990 and 9,430 in 1999; location is 40°0'N 102°25'W; land area is 2,366.16 square miles (1,514,343 acres); water area is 3.07 square miles (1,967 acres). Source: US Census Bureau.
Please submit only sites for this county. Appropriate sites include those such as county offices, clerks, courthouses, commissioners, departments or transportation facilities. Please do not submit sites relevant to a specific city within the county. City sites should be submitted to the appropriate locality category.