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Middlesex County is located in the south central part of Connecticut. It is bounded on the north by Hartford County, on the west by Hartford and New London Counties, on the south by Long Island Sound and on the east by New Haven County and the Connecticut River.

The area of Middlesex County is 439.1 square miles and at the 2000 census, the population was 155,071.

Only regional guides, directories, organizations with members located in, or information on, more than one town in Middlesex County belong in this category.

Information which pertains to only one town or city should be submitted to the appropriate locality

Only regional guides, directories and information on more than one town in Middlesex County belong in this category. Information on one town or city should not be submitted here but to the most specific Connecticutlocality.
Note: This category has to do with the business of agriculture and forestry. If your site has information on the science of agriculture or forestry, please submit instead to the Science and Environment category.

Only regional guides, directories and organizations with members in more than one city of town in Middlesex County belong in this category.

If your information is specific to one city or town only, please submit to that Locality.

Includes local government, law and military information.

Only House and Senate members who represent more than one town in Middlesex County belong in this category.

If your district is contained to one city or town, please do not submit here but submit instead to the appropriate locality.

Includes health and medical resources specific to the region.
Localities are the cities, towns, boroughs and other administrative areas which comprise the region.
Maps and Views include maps, photographs, illustrations, webcams or any type of visual representation of significance to the region, city or town.
Includes news and media sites specific to the region, such as newspapers, radio, television, magazines and other publications.
Includes hobbies, activities and pastimes which provide enjoyment during a participant's leisure time, as well as regional sports teams, clubs, organizations, and information on competitive events involving physical exertion.
Information about the region's natural environment as well as scientific activities specific to the region.
Includes sites that reflect the make up of the community: its people, history, resources and institutions that serve the people of the region.

Only regional guides, directories, organizations with members in, and information on more than one town in Middlesex County belong in this category.

If your information is specific to one city or town, please do not submit here but submit instead to the appropriate locality.

Information on all modes of public transportation, including bus, air, rail, water, roads and highways.
Includes area attractions and resources for those traveling to or within the region.
Contains links to the populated places that are villages of, or districts of, an incorporated city or town in Middlesex County.
No submissions here.