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Only regional guides, directories and information on more than one town in New Haven County belong in this category. Information on one town or city should not be submitted here but to the most specific Connecticutlocality.
Architecture is the art of building design. Information in this category includes architectural styles in the region, specific buildings of architectural significance and other information relating to building design in the region.
Only regional guides, directories and information on more than one town in New Haven County belong in this category. Information on one town or city should not be submitted here but to the most specific Connecticutlocality.
Includes links to sites for or about the art of dance. Topics may include education, various styles of dance, performers, troupes, and events, as well as organizations and recreational groups supporting, arranging or teaching dance.
Sites listed here include organizations or entities relevant to the entire county, or have multiple locations within the county.
Museums are institutions which house a collection of works available for public viewing. Galleries are locations which show ongoing changing exhibits by a number of artists.

Only guides, directories, organizations with members in, and information on more than one town in New Haven County belong in this category.

If your information is specific to one city or town, please do not submit here but submit instead to the appropriate locality.

Please do not submit sites for commercial art galleries which exist primarily to sell the work of specific local artist(s). These types of sites should be submitted to Business and Economy/Shopping in the city of town where it is located.