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Cornwall [Litchfield County] was named in 1738 from the southwest county of England. Its Native American name is "Scatacook". The town was incorporated in 1740.

Area, 46.3 sq. miles. Population, 2000 Census, 1,434. Voting districts, 1. Rural residential community.

Cornwall includes the areas known as Cornwall Bridge and West Cornwall.

Information submitted must relate specifically to Cornwall, Cornwall Bridge or West Cornwall, Connecticut.
Generally includes business-to-business commercial sites, which are those that sell and/or promote products and services to other businesses, institutions and organizations.
Submissions must be specific to businesses located in, or the economy of, Cornwall, Connecticut.
Includes hobbies, activities and passtimes which provide enjoyment during a participant's leisure time, as well as regional sports teams, clubs, organizations, and information on competitive events.
Information submitted must be specific to Cornwall, West Cornwall or Cornwall Bridge, Connecticut.
Includes sites that reflect the ideas and values of the community: its people, history, social resources, organizations and institutions.
Submissions must be specific to society and culture of Cornwall, Connecticut.
Includes area resources provided for the benefit of those traveling to or within the region, as well as information on attractions and activities of interest to the traveler.
Information submitted must be specific to Cornwall, Connecticut.