Note: If you do not find your town listed, perhaps it is because it is a village or district of an incorporated city or town. Try checking under Villages and Districts.
Total area, 49.6 sq. miles, Land area, 48.5 sq. miles. Population, 2000 Census, 2,858. Voting Districts, 1. Principal industries, agriculture and the manufacture of transformers and electric cloth cutting machines.
Kent includes the area known as South Kent.
Area, 50.0 sq. miles. Population, est., 16,057. Voting districts, 6. Principal industries, molded rubber products, plastic products, surgical supplies, mattresses, fiber optics, cosmetics, distribution centers, windows, molded circuits, transformer board, poron, electrical insulation, computer bus bars, knives, snack foods.
Killingly encompasses the villages of Attawaugan, Ballouville, Dayville, East Killingly, Rogers, South Killingly and the Borough of Danielson.
Area, 35.8 sq. miles. Population, est., 5,694. Voting Districts, 1. Principal industries, agriculture and steel fabricating.