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Kent [Litchfield County] was named from Kent county, England and incorporated in 1739. Its Native American name is "Scatacook,"

Total area, 49.6 sq. miles, Land area, 48.5 sq. miles. Population, 2000 Census, 2,858. Voting Districts, 1. Principal industries, agriculture and the manufacture of transformers and electric cloth cutting machines.

Kent includes the area known as South Kent.

Information submitted must relate specifically to Kent or South Kent, Connecticut.
Includes information on music, performing arts, visual arts, literature, architecture and the institutions that support them, as well as entertainment activities and events.
Real estate agents or service providers must be physically located in Kent, Connecticut. Information submitted in properties for sale, rent or lease must be physically located in Kent, Connecticut.
Submissions must be specific to Kent, Connecticut.
Information on town-level government for Kent, Connecticut.
Includes maps, photographs, illustrations, webcams or any type of visual representation of Kent, Connecticut.
Includes sites that reflect the make up of the community: its people, history, resources and institutions that serve the people of the town.
Information submitted must relate specifically to society and culture in Kent, Connecticut.
Includes area attractions and resources for those traveling to Kent.
Information submitted must be specific to travel and tourism in Kent, Connecticut.