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Includes sites that reflect the make up of the community: its people, history, resources and institutions that serve the people of the town.
Information submitted must relate specifically to society and culture in Kent, Connecticut.
Includes information and resources relative to the study of family lineage and ancestors specific to Kent, Connecticut.
Only information specific to Kent, Connecticut belongs in this category. Information covering more than one city or town located in the same County should be submitted to the most appropriate county. Regional guides, directories and organizations with members in more than one county should be submitted to the appropriate state.
Information on Kent, Connecticut's past events, places and people.
Only information pertaining to Kent, Connecticut should be placed in this category.

It may be better to locate submissions to the county or state category.

Information on all religious and spiritual concepts, practices and places of worship located in Kent, Connecticut.
Submissions for this category should be for individual houses of worship specifically related to or located in Kent, Connecticut.

If the information relates to more than one town within a single county, place it in the county category.

Regional guides, directories or organizations with members in more than one county belong in the state category.