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Madison [New Haven County] was incorporated from Guilford in May 1826 and named from President James Madison. It was formerly known as East Guilford.

Total area, 36.8 sq. miles, Land area, 36.2 sq. miles. Population, est., 18,280. Voting districts, 2.

Submissions must be specific to Madison, Connecticut.
Real estate agents or service providers must be physically located in Madison, Connecticut. Information submitted in properties for sale, rent or lease must be physically located in Madison, Connecticut.
Submissions to North Madison must be specific to the village, such as its history, genealogical information and neighborhood publications. Please submit all other sites � including businesses, organizations, etc. � to the appropriate subcat of city.

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Information about the natural environment as well as scientific activities and organizations specific to the town
Submissions must be specific to science and/or the environment in Madison, Connecticut.