Note: If you do not find your town listed, perhaps it is because it is a village or district of an incorporated city or town. Try checking under Villages and Districts.
Area, 32.1 sq. miles. Population, 2000 Census, 8,270. Voting Districts, 1.
Redding includes the areas known as West Redding, Redding Ridge and Georgetown.
Area, 35.0 sq. miles. Population, 2000 Census, 23,643. Voting districts, 3. Principal industries, pharmaceutical manufacturing, research and development, light manufacturing and building/construction.
Area, 13.8 sq. miles. Population, est., 16,742. Voting districts, 3. Principal industries, agriculture, castings, bearings, aircraft, and electronics. State Veterans Home and Hospital are located here as well as Dinosaur State Park.
Rocky Hill is considered to be a part of the Greater Hartford Metro Area.
Area, 26.3 sq. miles. Population, 2000 Census, 2,136. Voting Districts, 1. Principal industry, agriculture.