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Somers [Tolland County] was formerly part of Massachusetts and called East Enfield. It was annexed to Connecticut in 1749 and named from Lord Somers.

Area, 28.5 sq. miles. Population, 2000 Census, 10,417. Voting districts, 2. Principal industries, agriculture and diversified industry.

Somers is part of the Capitol Region Metropolitan District in Connecticut.

Submissions must specifically relate to Somers, Connecticut.
Includes commercial sites, which offer, sell or promote products and/or services to consumers, along with the business organizations that support them, information on the economic status and trends for the region, and associations which provide economic growth and development opportunities.
Submissions must be specific to the business and/or economy of Somers, Connecticut.
Information on institutions of learning, educational programs, opportunities and resources.
Submissions must be specific to education in Somers or Somersville, Connecticut.
Includes hobbies, activities and pastimes which provide enjoyment during a participant's leisure time, as well as regional sports teams, clubs, organizations, and information on competitive events involving physical exertion.
Submissions must relate specifically to recreation or sports in Somers, Connecticut.
A section of Somers.
Please submit Somersville url''s only to this category.