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Winchester [Litchfield County] was called "Green Woods". It was incorporated in 1771 and named from a tract in Hampshire.

Total area, 33.8 sq. miles, Land area, 32.3 sq. miles. Population, 2000 Census, 10,664. Voting district, 1. Principal industries, ballbearings, custom cartons, hinges, electrical harnesses and cables, turbine blades, screw machine products, machine tool companies, powdered metal products, pet supplies and business forms.

Winchester includes the areas known as Winchester Center and Winsted.

Information submitted must relate specifically to Winchester, Connecticut, or to the areas of Winchester known as Winchester Center and Winsted.

Sites listed in the Business and Economy category contain information about the business and economy specific to the locality and include commercial sites which offer, sell or promote products and/or services to consumers along with the business organizations that support them, information on the economic status and trends for the town, and associations which provide economic growth and development opportunities.

Suggest sites here that are about the specific locality of Winchester, Connecticut and its vicinity. This includes entities with a "brick and mortar" operation in the locality, and/or where the operational area has significance only to the locality and its vicinity.

As a general rule listings in the Regional Category are based on physical location rather than service area. Please take the time to find the most appropriate locality and subcategory for the site prior to submitting. If the site is for a business or organization that has multiple physical locations, please select the best County or Metro Area category. If your site is not in English, please submit it to the most appropriate World category.

Sites listed in the Education category include educational institutions, programs, and resources specific to the locality. Topics include colleges and universities, home schooling, K-12, primary schools, resources for educators, school districts, secondary schools, specialized instruction and vocational and technical schools, alumni and reunion groups.

Please note that websites about dance and music education are not listed here, but are listed instead in the Arts and Entertainment category and websites about martial arts education are listed in the Recreation and Sports category.

Suggest sites here that are about the specific locality of Winchester, Connecticut and its vicinity. This includes entities with a "brick and mortar" operation in the locality, and/or where the operational area has significance only to the locality and its vicinity.

As a general rule listings in the Regional Category are based on physical location rather than service area. Please take the time to find the most appropriate locality and subcategory for the site prior to submitting. If the site is for a business or organization that has multiple physical locations, please select the best County or Metro Area category. If your site is not in English, please submit it to the most appropriate World category.

Sites listed in the Government category concern the government activities specific to the locality. Topics include not only legislative, executive, and judicial bodies, but law, law enforcement, taxes, embassies, consulates, and military institutions. Please note that websites about politics, political candidates, and political campaigns are not listed here, but are listed instead in the Society and Culture category.

Suggest sites here that are about the specific locality of Winchester, Connecticut and its vicinity. This includes entities with a "brick and mortar" operation in the locality, and/or where the operational area has significance only to the locality and its vicinity.

As a general rule listings in the Regional Category are based on physical location rather than service area. Please take the time to find the most appropriate locality and subcategory for the site prior to submitting. If the site is for a business or organization that has multiple physical locations, please select the best County or Metro Area category. If your site is not in English, please submit it to the most appropriate World category.

Sites listed in the Science and Environment category include information about the town's natural environment; as well as scientific activities specific to the locality. Topics include both professional and amateur scientific organizations, agriculture, animal life, environmental organizations, forestry, geology, plant life, waste and recycling and water resources.

Suggest sites here that are about the specific locality of Winchester, Connecticut and its vicinity. This includes entities with a "brick and mortar" operation in the locality, and/or where the operational area has significance only to the locality and its vicinity.

As a general rule listings in the Regional Category are based on physical location rather than service area. Please take the time to find the most appropriate locality and subcategory for the site prior to submitting. If the site is for a business or organization that has multiple physical locations, please select the best County or Metro Area category. If your site is not in English, please submit it to the most appropriate World category.

Sites listed in the Society and Culture category include information and organizations related to the history, culture, and people specific to the locality. Topics include clubs, social-service organizations, resources, genealogy, history, personal pages, activism, animal welfare, politics, religion, and various sub-groups of the population.

Suggest sites here that are about the specific locality of Winchester, Connecticut and its vicinity. This includes entities with a "brick and mortar" operation in the locality, and/or where the operational area has significance only to the locality and its vicinity.

As a general rule listings in the Regional Category are based on physical location rather than service area. Please take the time to find the most appropriate locality and subcategory for the site prior to submitting. If the site is for a business or organization that has multiple physical locations, please select the best County or Metro Area category. If your site is not in English, please submit it to the most appropriate World category.