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If your business is not located in this town, please submit it to that community''s category.

Submitting to the wrong locality will hinder your sites addition to the directory.
Please review all sub categories before placing your site and determine which category best describes your site. For example, business and industry sites belong in Business and Economy, churches and organizations in Society and Culture, and so forth.
Thanks for your cooperation.

Please submit your company''s name as the title of the site. Keep your descriptions as specific and as short as possible. Factual descriptions are appreciated, marketing hype will be deleted.
Bellefonte was chartered in 1951 and is located in New Castle County.
Bethany Beach is a small beach resort community just north of Fenwick Island and about 10 miles south of the larger Rehoboth/Dewey Beach areas. Due to the close proximity of Bethany Beach and Fenwick Island, many web sites lump them together into one web resource. Therefore, be sure to also look at regional listings for Fenwick Island while looking for information on Bethany Beach.
If your business is not located in this town, please submit it to that community''s category.

Submitting to the wrong locality will hinder your sites addition to the directory.
Please review all sub categories before placing your site and determine which category best describes your site. For example, business and industry sites belong in Business and Economy, churches and organizations in Society and Culture, and so forth.
Thanks for your cooperation.