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For sites on musical activities, events, institutions, venues, performers, professionals, and organizations relating to Florida as a whole, and for links to prominent musical performers strongly associated with Florida.
Most sites should be submitted at a lower level such as the appropriate Metro Area. Submit sites to an appropriate subcategory such as Bands_and_Artists when available.
For links to categories listing bands, duos and solo musical artists performing in and based in the state of Florida, and for links to nationally known musical performers originally from Florida.
This category is for bands, duos, and solo performers. Also see a separate category for disc jockeys. Currently performing bands and artists are listed by service area, usually a metro area named for one or two larger cities. Please submit to the appropriate area. Describe your music factually, avoid hype, and avoid repeating your name in the description. The site title should be the name of the band or duo, or for solo performers, "Lastname, Firstname."


For disc jockeys performing throughout the state of Florida and for sites relevant to disc jockey events and culture statewide.
This category is for disc jockeys. Also see separate categories for bands and artists when available.

Currently performing disc jockeys are listed by service area, occasionally the state but usually a metro area named for one or two larger cities. Please submit to the appropriate area.

Describe service factually and avoid hype. The site title should be the company name, or for individuals, "Lastname, Firstname."

For sites on music education significant to the state as a whole such as those offered at the college or university level, as well as links to similar categories at other geographic levels.
For sites on music education significant to the state as a whole such as those offered at the college or university level, as well as links to similar categories at other geographic levels. Most sites should be submitted to a locality. See the list of localities under the name of this state.
For regional categories focused on specific musical styles or genres, and links to similar categories in Arts/Music.