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This category is reserved for short-term vacation rental properties physically located in this locality. To find a different locality and submit there, consult this list. Submissions by owner or by agencies specializing in vacation rentals may be accepted. Licensed real estate agents and brokerages must instead submit to the Business and Economy/Real Estate sub-category, and all properties for lease must be submitted there as well. Agencies offering multiple properties may submit at county or metro level, but only if the location of each property is specified on the site.

Note: Each vacation rental property or agency may receive one listing. Multiple submissions of the same or alternate URLs can result in being banned from the directory.

Tips for Faster Acceptance:

  1. Location must be clearly shown, preferably by address or local phone number, to qualify for Regional listing.
  2. Location - Name is the preferred title format for individual properties. Location can be expressed as numbered address, name of street or subdivision, or name of condo and unit number. Name should be for owner or contact as the name appears on site.
  3. In the description, stick to the facts and avoid promotional language.
  4. Don''t Capitalize Every Word or use ALL CAPS.
Compare existing listings for best results.