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The Agencies that are charged with the support of Congress are: * Architect of the Capitol * Congressional Budget Office (CBO) * Congressional Research Service * Copyright Office * Government Accountability Office (GAO) * Government Printing Office (GPO) * Library of Congress * Medicare Payment Advisory Commission * Open World Leadership Center * Stennis Center for Public Service * U.S. Botanic Garden * U.S. Capitol Visitor Center These agencies are listed at has having special responsibility to the Congress of the United States. No other agencies should be listed in this category.
Only for specific agencies that are listed as supporting the Congress of the United States. These agencies are listed in the Category description. No other agencies should be listed in this category.
The Congressional Record is the constitutionally provisioned official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is published under the supervision of the Joint Committee on Printing (JCP) and printed and issued by the United States Government Printing Office.
Consists of Members of both Branches and having jurisdiction over matters of joint interest. Most joint committees are standing committees (for example, the Joint Committee on the Library) but special joint committees have been created to address specific issues (such as the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War).