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The mission of the U.S. Navy is to maintain, train and equip combat-ready Naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas.
Please attempt to select the sub-category with the closest fit for your site submission.
Sites related to Navy bands and musical groups.
This category is for and about the US Navy famillies and lifestyle.

Submission Tips:

  1. When writing your site''s title please ensure it is the same as your site or organization.
  2. When writing your site''s description, please tell what your site offers in a clear and concise statement without hype or promotional language.

Thank-you for your cooperation.

Official and un-official sites that contain historical information as it directly relates to the United States Navy
The term `military installation' means a base, camp, post, station, yard, center, homeport facility or any ship, or any other activity under under the jurisdiction of a department, agency, or other instrumentality of the Department of Defense, including a leased facility, except that such term shall not include any facility used primarily for civil works, rivers and harbor projects, or flood control projects. An installation is a grouping of facilities, located in the same vicinity, which support the same operations.
Please do not submit deeplinks of domain
Subcategories contain sites related to the major command areas of the Navy.
Insure you are submitting a flag level command
Please submit sites only dealing with the Hospital Corps. No sites about Naval Hospitals, or Dental Technicians.


The Navy Morale, Welfare and Recreation Division (MWR) administers a program of recreation, social, and community support activities on U.S. Navy facilities worldwide.
Only Navy MWR sites should be submitted to this category.
Sites relating to organizations directly related to the US Navy.
Please submit only website that directly relate to US Navy Organizations.
"Home pages" of active-duty U.S. Navy personnel. Veterans should submit their home page to Regional: North America: United States: Government: Military: Navy: Veterans: Personal Pages.
"Home pages" of active-duty U.S. Navy personnel. Veterans should submit their home page to Regional: North America: United States: Government: Military: Navy: Veterans: Personal Pages.
This category contains links to sites containing information on how to join the United States Navy and resources for Navy recruiters.

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Site or Organization

Description: Describe your websites major features without attempting to hype or promote your website.

This category is for official and non official websites. Please ensure that your page/website contains information on how to join the U.S. Navy or information about U.S. Navy recruiters.

If you have any questions feel free to contact the editor in charge of this category.

Ships are categorized by their hull classification code (based on the Naval Vessel Register,
  • Commissioned ships are separated from decommissioned ships, and the distinction is noted.
  • If a ship had more than one hull classification during its life, it should be listed in the class it had at final decommissioning. Example: USS Wright - CVL49, AVT7, CC2; is listed as a command ship (CC) and thus in Surface_Combatants/Command/USS_Wright. Links from the previous hull classes to the final class should be present.
  • If more than one hull had the same name (but a different hull classification code), each hull should be listed separately in the appropriate hull category and there should be "related category" links between the ships.
  • If two or more hulls have the same name AND the same hull classification code, all information relating to those hulls is found together in the same subdirectory. Example: USS Alabama - BB8, BB60.
Please submit only sites dealing with US Navy ships dealing with Mine Warfare in this category.
Sites related to Navy units other than ships. Ship units are listed in the Navy: Ships hierarchy.
Only Seabee construction battalians please.
These listings contain official and unofficial Veterans support sites or information about specific veterans. If the site is an association for a specific ship and that ship has a directory category of its own, the site should be submitted with the ship.
Sites designed to help Veterans are most welcome. Sites about individual veterans may be better suited in another category. If the site is an association for a specific ship and that ship has a directory category of its own, the site should be submitted with the ship.