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This category includes links to the City of Chicago government, law and military information (for example, branches of government, law, local military units, taxes, and services).

Listed in Embassies and Consulates categories are entities such as Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions, Permanent Representatives and de facto equivalents. Information on their formatting, and on the arrangement of related categories, can be found in the FAQ of Society: Government: Embassies and Consulates.

This category contains links to embassies and consulates that are located within the City of Chicago. Typically, Chicago-based consultates and embassies serve the Greater Midwest, including Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Indiana, Iowa, and some serve areas as far as Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri and Oklahoma.

Listed in Embassies and Consulates categories are entities such as Embassies, Consulates, High Commissions, Permanent Representatives and de facto equivalents. Information on their formatting, and on the arrangement of related categories, can be found in the FAQ of Society: Government: Embassies and Consulates.

Includes links to City of Chicago-based law enforcement agencies, programs, and associations, including local and federal.