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The Open Directory Project lists businesses according to their physical locations, regardless of the area they serve.

If the business has locations in more than one city or town and they''re all in the Chicago area, please submit the listing to this category.
If the business is located only in one town/city, please find the proper listing here.

Includes links to Chicago metro area level sites related to computers, including software, hardware, networking along with area user groups.
If the group regularly meets within the City of Chicago and is not a confederation of groups, then the site may be listed at Chicago: ... : Computers: Organizations.
Includes links to professional and trade organizations provide support and networking to Chicago area workers.
Please DO NOT submit based on coverage area.

Only companies with multiple office locations qualify for entry into this category. All single office agents/agencies should be to the appropriate locality (village, city or town).

Submission to this category without the proper qualification as stated above will cause significant delay or possible deletion of the website.

Web sites for restaurants and bars that have more than one location AND all of the locations are in the Chicagoland area should be submitted here.

If the restaurant/bar is in ONE location, please submit to that locality or its "business and economy" category.

If locations fall outside the Chicagoland area, please submit to the statewide category.