Please take a moment to find the most appropriate sub-category before submitting a site at this level. Submitting a site based in or related to another locality may significantly delay the site from being listed in the directory.
Tips for Faster Acceptance:
Thank you for your cooperation.
Please note that the websites of some businesses related to arts and entertainment are listed elsewhere. When the technical or commercial aspect is seen to overshadow the creative side, as with recording studios, production companies, and stores selling recorded music or cameras, the sites are listed in the Business and Economy category instead.
Includes sites for regional artistic, cultural, and entertainment activities, events, institutions, and organizations.
Please note that the websites of some businesses related to arts and entertainment are listed elsewhere. When the technical or commercial aspect is seen to overshadow the creative side, as with recording studios, production companies, and stores selling recorded music or cameras, the sites are listed in the Business and Economy category instead.
For sites specifically geared toward this community. Submitting a site based in or related to another locality may significantly delay the site from being listed in the directory.
Tips for Faster Acceptance:
Thank you for your cooperation.
Please note that websites related to interior design and landscaping are not listed here, but are listed instead in the Business and Economy category in the subcategory titled Home and Garden when available. Also note this category is not for union locals. Submit union locals to Society and Culture.
For sites specifically based in this community. Submitting to the wrong category may significantly delay your site from being listed in the directory.
Tips for Faster Acceptance:
Thank you for your cooperation.