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This category is for companies and business groups with locations in several metro areas of this state, as well as links to similar sites at other geographic levels. This category is generally broken down into sub-categories.
Most sites should be submitted to a locality. See the list of localities under the name of this state. However, some business listings may be accepted at the state level under certain conditions:
  • Businesses with multiple offices or locations spanning several metro areas.
  • Business clubs or associations drawing members from the entire state.
Depending on the type of company, some sites should instead be submitted to Arts and Entertainment, Travel and Tourism, or a Business and Economy sub-category. Compare existing listings for best results.

Tips for Faster Acceptance:

  1. Site title should match the name of the business of organization or entity.
  2. Description should be factual, avoiding promotional language and unnecessary capitalization.
Agricultural businesses, potentially including vineyards, farm markets, "you pick" farms, livestock auctions, livestock breeders, seed farms, tree farms, commercial nurseries (i.e., producing nursery stock for sale to retailers), turf farms, agricultural equipment suppliers, and similar businesses. Not to be confused with Science_and_Environment/Agriculture, which is for geographically focused information, such as "How to grow wine grapes in Elbonia."

This category is for websites specifically located throughout, or related related to Iowa. Websites related to a smaller area - such as a County or locality - should be submitted there. Submission Guidelines:

  • The location should be readily apparent on your site.
  • The title should correspond to the name of your business, organization or website.
  • The description should concisely summarize the type of content available on the website and should not repeat the title of the site or the location.

For links to similar categories at other geographic levels, and for employment agencies listing jobs in or offering locations within more than one sub-state region or metro area in this state.
Submit sites for employment agencies listing jobs in or offering locations within more than one metro area in this state. Compare existing listings for best results.

Most sites should be submitted to a locality. Listing at higher levels is allowed for companies with multiple locations spanning several localities or counties, and for clubs or associations drawing members from a broad area.

Tips for Faster Acceptance:

  1. Locations must be shown, preferably by address or local phone number.
  2. For title, submit actual name of business or organization.
  3. Make description factual, avoiding promotional language and unnecessary capitalization.
This category is not for online directories or guides, or for sites with information on consultants, ministers, chapels or other wedding facilities, or periodicals. These sites should be submitted to the appropriate linked categories.
This category is for state wide businesses and economic activity related to products and services intended for the home and garden. Examples of products include sellers of plants, swimming pools, and windows. Examples of services include suppliers of water softeners, interior design, lawn maintenance, pest control, and house-sitting. Note: This category does not include sites about home repairs. Those sites are found in Construction and Maintenance. It also does not include sites for retail sellers of furniture, which are found in Shopping.
For companies that provide full service and commercial printing services.
Primarily for links to similar categories at other geographic levels, but may also list real estate companies with multiple offices over a broad area of the state.

NOTE: Sites for real estate licensees and brokerages are governed by state real estate commission regulations concerned with advertising. Agents must be identified by name and the brokerage must be identified by the office name shown on its license.
Real estate agents may list one site only, in the locality where their office is physically located, and should not submit at the state level. Brokerages may also list one site at the locality where their office is located, or at a higher level when there are multiple offices in more than one locality. The state level category is only for companies with multiple offices in more than one metro area. Companies will be listed no more than once in any case. Multiple submissions of the same or an alternate URL can lead to an agent or company being banned from the directory.

If an agent changes offices or a description change is needed, go back one page, click Update URL, and submit the corrected information in that way, not as a new submission.

Format Site Title As Follows
(for an agent site:) Agent Name - Company Name
(for a company site:) Company Name

Tips for Faster Acceptance:

  1. Location must be clearly shown, preferably by address or local phone number.
  2. Make sure the submitted title follows the above formatting.
  3. In the description, stick to the facts and avoid promotional language.
  4. Mention no more than three specialty areas. Don''t stuff descriptions with keywords.
  5. Don''t Capitalize Every Word or use ALL CAPS.
Compare existing listings for best results.
Includes only restaurants and bars with multiple locations in Iowa.
Individual restaurant and dining guide listings for specific towns or cities should be submitted to the Restaurants and Bars category in the appropriate locality.