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For sites concerned with the natural environment of this state as a whole as well as those for scientific institutions and companies with multiple locations throughout the state, and for links to similar categories at other geographic levels.
For sites concerned with the natural environment of all or most of the state, as well as scientific institutions and companies with multiple locations statewide. Subjects include animal life, plant life, and research studies.

Tips for Faster Acceptance:

  1. Locations must be shown, either by address or local phone number of the sponsoring institution or company, or by indicating the place where the site''s subject is found. Sites on large natural features may be more appropriate at a county, region, or metro level.
  2. For title, submit name of the sponsoring institution or company, site subject as it appears on main page, or both, separated by a dash.
  3. Make description factual, avoiding promotional language and unnecessary capitalization.
  4. Compare existing listings for best results.
Websites about animals, including mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, insects, and mollusks, living wild in Iowa, whether native or introduced.

Sites offering information about rocks, minerals, mineral resources, stratigraphy and geologic structure, geologic history, seismicity, earthquake history, geologic features, geologic hazards, gemstones, landforms, fossils, and caves of the region. Government geological surveys specific to Iowa may be suggested here.

Sites offering information about rocks, minerals, mineral resources, stratigraphy and geologic structure, geologic history, seismicity, earthquake history, geologic features, geologic hazards, gemstones, landforms, fossils, and caves of the region. Government geological surveys specific to Iowa may be suggested here.

  • Information limited to one region should be submitted to Regions.
  • Information limited to one county should be submitted to Counties.
  • Information limited to one town or city should be submitted to Locality.

more information (editors only)

Websites about plants growing wild in the region, whether native or introduced.