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Hutchinson was founded in the 1870's by C.C. Hutchinson, a US Indian agent, as a community established where the Santa Fe Railroad crossed the Little Arkansas River. Today it is a community of approximately 40,000 persons, with an area of 22 square miles, located in the south central pan of the state of Kansas. The city is approximately 45 miles northwest of Wichita, and is the county seat of Reno County.
Guidelines For Submitting Sites:

The title should be the name of your company or organization. Do not type in all caps. Do not include a list of keywords. Do not include your products. Do not write a sales pitch.

The description should be a brief summary of your organization''s products and services. It should be in English and in coherent sentence form. Do not include superlatives or a sales pitch. Do not submit your company history. Do not submit a list of keywords. Do not use unnecessary capitalization, or include HTML tags.

Submit to only ONE category.

A listing of sites for local artistic, cultural, and entertainment activities, events, institutions and organizations. These may include, but are not limited to, historic buildings, libraries, museums, theaters, comics, movies, music, dance, photography and video production.
A listing of sites covering the business and economic activities of the locality, such as listings of companies and industries. These may include, but are not limited to, animals/vets, automotive, computers/Internet, employment, event planning, financial and legal services, funeral services, home and garden, industries, restaurants/bars, services, shopping/sales, travel services and wineries.
Please review the listing of topic-specific subcategories before submitting to the main category.
A listing of local educational institutions, programs and opportunities, as well as other location specific educational resources.
A listing of sites for health and medical resources specific to the locality.
A listing of sites relating to hobbies, sports and participatory recreational activities specific to the locality, including local recreation organizations. These may include, but are not limited to, antiques/collecting, crafts, baseball/basketball/football, bicycling, bird watching, boating, camping/fishing/hunting, gambling, martial arts, and skiing/soccer/tennis.
A listing of sites that reflect the make up of the community: its people, history and resources, and the institutions that serve the people of the locality. These may include, but are not limited to, activism, clubs/lodges, genealogy, history, human rights, kids/organizations, personal home pages, politics, religion, reunions, seniors/teens/men and women.
A listing of sites of area attractions and resources for those traveling to the locality, including tourist guides, lodging and parks.