If you do not have locations statewide, please submit to your locale instead. Submitting to the wrong category will delay and/or prevent your site from being listed in the directory.
This category is not for online directories or guides, or for sites with information on consultants, ministers, chapels or other wedding facilities, or periodicals. These sites should be submitted to the appropriate linked categories.
For the listing of businesses offering home services and products.
This category is for the listing of sites with a STATEWIDE presence. Sites with a physical location in only one locality MUST submit to that locality instead. Submitting to the wrong category will hinder your site''s listing in the directory.
This category will list companies that produce products from raw materials and the companies that support them, such as distributors, wholesalers, industrial supply companies and manufacturing representatives. The general types of companies that will be listed here are food processing, aviation, conveyors, electronic, guns, instrumentation, mining, drilling, chemicals and textiles; however, the list is not limited to these industries.
Companies in industries that have a separate sub-category in Business and Economy will not be listed here. Examples of companies not listed here are agriculture, automotive, computers, home and garden, oil and gas, printing, publishing, and telecommunications.
This category is for sites related to the extraction, production or supply of oil and gas products, including operating companies and holding companies, consultants, and service providers.
Sites relating only to oil and gas for the consumer (gas stations) are listed in Louisiana''s Shopping category.
Includes links to sites for or about businesses or individuals offering personal services in the region. Sites might include personal chefs, personal valets, errand runners, and baby sitters.
Submit sites for service providers with multiple locations in more than one metro area in this state. Compare existing listings for best results.
Most sites should be submitted to a locality. Listing at higher levels is allowed for companies with multiple locations spanning several localities or counties, and for clubs or associations drawing members from a broad area.
Tips for Faster Acceptance:
Locations must be shown, preferably by address or local phone number.
For title, submit actual name of business or organization.
Make description factual, avoiding promotional language and Unnecessary Capitalization.
This category contains sites having to do with buying, selling, leasing, renting, inspecting, developing, financing or studying real estate.
If you do not have locations statewide, please submit to your locale instead. Submitting to the wrong category will delay and/or prevent your site from being listed in the directory. Before submitting your site, please review the Guidelines for Submitting a Real Estate Site.
Individual restaurant and dining guide listings for specific towns or cities should be submitted to the Restaurants and Bars category in the appropriate locality.
If you do not have locations statewide, please submit to your locale instead. Submitting to the wrong category will delay and/or prevent your site from being listed in the directory.