Maine is an enormous geographic area with a year round population less than many international cities. Because it is so enormous and has not developed as fast as other parts of U.S., and because historically Maine was not easy to travel (or invade or hold), Maine's heritage, arts, history, and culture all go hand in hand.
They form an enormous backdrop which travelers can see and join. They are part of Maine's recreation more than many locale's because enjoying each other's songs, words, pictures, sculpture, cuisine, outdoor crafts and wild life and plant gatherings is inseparable from being a Mainer. And those attributes are part of Maine's business life, not just because Maine seeks tourists and visitors for those things, but because Maine herself loves her Arts and Entertainment.
Sites should be submitted to the most specific ''Locality'' category available.
Only submit sites for state wide artistic, cultural, and entertainment activities, events, and organizations.
Events of interest to the public which are occurring now or shall occur in the next year in the state of Maine. Please note that some annual, recurring events may not update their sites until the spring of the next year, for example, with summer items.
Please submit sites that pertain to events happening in Maine. These need not be state wide events, but if an event is of local interest only and not something that would be of interest to others outside that particular town, for example, submit to the locality of Maine.
Intended to place Individuals noted for their contribution to the arts. Category intended to include those in the arts who are Maine natives or who have resided in Maine.