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Please submit sites here that meet the following criteria: (1) The issue-based site must involve politics (eg. legislation, elections, lobbying) (2) Is an issue unique to Maryland (or a subregion), OR (2a) Is an issue in which Maryland (or a subregion) is highly involved (eg. a Maryland-Virginia bridge, or site-- specifically highlighting Maryland''s point of view-- about water usage/pollution by New York and Pennsylvania). (3) Addresses a universal issue to the degree that it affects Maryland (or a subregion).
For abortion issue related sites.
For issues related to business interests (lawsuit curbs, regulatory reform), note that individual tax burden and similar issues should be put under "Economics" issues.
This cat is for family-related issues websites. Sites are not intended to include the abortion issue, gay or lesbian issues, or education issues.
Addresses economic issues specific to Maryland.
For groups promoting or opposing the Gay Lesbian Bisexual lifestyle.
Information and groups in Maryland primarily concerned with gun rights, gun control, and related issues.
Please submit sites here specific to the state of Maryland involving Gun Control (for or against).
For health-care related issues (funding, eligibility, malpractice premiums and legal liability reform), and health insurance issue sites. Smoking issue is not included!
Road and transportation sites.
Submit pro-growth, road and transportation sites. Anti-sprawl sites not primarily about roads should go in a different category, under "Environment:Growth and Sprawl."