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Only regional guides, directories and organizations with locations in more than one town in Essex County belong in this category. Businesses or organizations which are located in only one town should be submitted to Locality.
Includes sites for the Arts: music, performing arts, visual arts, literature, and the institutions that support them. It also includes architecture and entertainment.
Only regional guides, directories and organizations with locations in more than one town in Essex County belong in this category. Businesses or organizations which are located in only one town should be submitted to Locality.
Only regional guides, directories and organizations with more than one location in the region belong in this category. Individual sites should not be submitted here but to the most specific Massachusetts County, or Locality.
Includes local educational institutions, programs, and opportunities as well as other location-specific educational resources.
Localities are the cities, towns, boroughs and other administrative areas which comprise the region.
Only regional guides, directories and organizations with more than one location in the region belong in this category. Individual sites should not be submitted here but to the most specific Massachusetts County, or Locality.

Plum island is a barrier island off the northern coast of Massachusetts, where the Parker and Merrimack Rivers flow into the Gulf of Maine. It contains a mix of summer and year-round residents, as well as a wildlife refuge and a state park.

Plum Island is split between Newburyport, Newbury, Rowley and Ipswich. The island is best known as an outstanding birding location, as it is a stop-off point on many migration paths.

Only guides, directories and general information on Plum Island will be accepted to this topic. Businesses and organizations which are located in one of the four towns associated with Plum Island should submit to either Newburyport, Newbury, Ipswich or Rowley.
Only regional guides, directories and organizations with more than one location in the region belong in this category. Individual sites should not be submitted here but to the most specific Massachusetts County, or Locality.
Only countywide guides, directories, businesses or organizations with locations in, or serving, more than one town in Essex County belong in this category.

Businesses or organizationss located within, or serving, only one city or town should not be submitted here but to the most specific Massachusetts Locality.

Includes sites that reflect the make up of the community: its people, history, resources and institutions that serve the people of the region.
Only countywide guides, directories, businesses or organizations with locations in, or serving, more than one town in Essex County belong in this category.

Businesses or organizationss located within, or serving, only one city or town should not be submitted here but to the most specific Massachusetts Locality.

Operators of limousines and shuttles may be submitted to this category.

If you provide service beyond the North Shore, consider submitting instead to Eastern Massachusetts.

Includes area attractions and resources for those traveling to or within the region.
Submissions for sites with information on weather in Essex County / North Shore may be made here.