Sites listed here relate specifically to Falmouth, Massachusetts.
The Industrial category will list companies that produce products from raw materials and the companies that support them, such as distributors, wholesalers, industrial supply companies and manufacturing representatives. The general types of companies that will be listed here are food processing, aviation, conveyors, electronic, guns, instrumentation, mining, drilling, chemicals and textiles; however, the list is not limited to these industries.
Companies in industries that have a separate sub-category in Business and Economy will not be listed here. Examples of companies not listed here are agriculture, automotive, computers, home and garden, oil and gas, printing, publishing, and telecommunications.
Sites listed here relate specifically to Falmouth, Massachusetts.
Sites listed in Shopping are for retail businesses selling consumer items, that have a substantial local presence (for example, as an employer) in the city or town. Businesses that offer sales online or by phone/mail only to customers in a limited geographic area (example: online grocery delivery services) may be suggested here. Sites with multiple locations or offering online sales at a national level should be suggested to the one most appropriate category in Shopping. Business that offer specialized items for sale such as machinery, vehicles, construction materials, etc, should be suggested to their specific industry category.
Suggest sites here that are relevant to Falmouth, Massachusetts and that are retail businesses selling consumer items, that have a substantial local presence (for example, as an employer). If your site is for a business or organization that has multiple locations, please select the best County or Region category.
In General:
Sites listed here will be about the specific locality and its vicinity. This includes entities with a "brick and mortar" operation in the locality, and/or where the operational area has significance only to the locality and its vicinity.